The 2023 Holiday Challenge


  • GooseChase App: The game will be conducted using the GooseChase app, which is available for both iPhone and Android users.
  • WhatsApp: There will be an optional group message hosted via “WhatsApp”. Game updates will be shared separately: Instagram @HARLIOZ_STUDIOS
  • Winners Selection: Winners will be chosen based on points, participation, comments, likes, and guest judges' decisions.
  • Disputes: In case of recounts or disputes, participants can contact the "ELF'IN HELP CENTER" directly at 630-373-0156.
  • Prizes: Some prizes may offer color and size options, winners will be contacted individually for this information.
  • Calendar: A game and prize calendar will be sent out on December 1st, participants and admin are encouraged to follow it as closely as possible, keeping in mind that life can get busy during the holiday season.
  • Challenges and Responsibility: Some challenges may involve physical activity and holiday mischief, participants are responsible for their personal safety and property. Harlioz Studios, LLC is not liable for injuries and property damage.
  • Competitive Spirit: Competitive spirit is encouraged, but the main focus is on having fun and enjoying the holiday season.
  • Flexibility: Participants can quit playing at any time if they find themselves too busy or unable to continue.
  • Contact Information: If participants have any additional questions, they can contact the "ELF'IN HELP CENTER" at 630-373-0156.

These guidelines ensure that the holiday game is enjoyable and inclusive for everyone while promoting a sense of community and competition during the festive season.